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Trinajstić, Nenad (2014) Akademik Smiljko Ašperger (Zagreb, 25. siječnja 1921. – Zagreb, 3. svibnja 2014.). Kemija u industriji, 63 (7/8). pp. 293-297. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad (2013) Douglas Jay Klein. Croatica Chemica Acta, 86 (4). CDXIX -CDXIX. ISSN 0011-1643

Trinajstić, Nenad; Kaštelan-Macan, Marija; Paušek-Baždar, Snježana; Vančik, Hrvoje (2012) Croatian Chemistry in the 20th Century. III. From the Establishment of the Republic of Croatia on June 25th, 1991 to the End of the Century. Kemija u industriji, 61 (11-12). pp. 523-534. ISSN 0022-9830

Das, Kinkar Chandra; Trinajstić, Nenad (2012) Comparison Between Geometric-arithmetic Indices. Croatica Chemica Acta, 85 (3). pp. 353-357. ISSN 0011-1643

Du, Zhibin; Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2012) Extremal Properties of the Zagreb Eccentricity Indices. Croatica Chemica Acta, 85 (3). pp. 359-362. ISSN 0011-1643

Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2012) Relations Between the Product- and Sum-connectivity Indices. Croatica Chemica Acta, 85 (3). pp. 363-365. ISSN 0011-1643

Xing, Rundan; Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2011) On Zagreb Eccentricity Indices. Croatica Chemica Acta, 84 (4). pp. 493-497. ISSN 0011-1643

Dong, Hui; Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2011) A Novel Version of the Edge-Szeged Index. Croatica Chemica Acta, 84 (4). pp. 543-545. ISSN 0011-1643

Trinajstić, Nenad; Paušek-Baždar, Snježana; Flegar, Vanja (2011) 150 Years of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and 125 Years of the Presence of Chemists in the Academy. Kemija u Industriji, 60 (9). pp. 447-457. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad; Nikolić, Sonja; Miličević, Ante; Gutman, Ivan (2010) About the Zagreb Indices. Kemija u industriji, 59 (12). pp. 577-589. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad (2010) Zlatko Meić - The Recipient of the Annual State Reward for Science 2006. Kemija u industriji, 59 (12). pp. 599-605. ISSN 0022-9830

Vukičević, Damir; Trinajstić, Nenad (2010) Bond-additive Modeling. 3. Comparison between the Product-connectivity Index and Sum-connectivity Index. Croatica Chemica Acta, 83 (3). pp. 349-351. ISSN 0011-1643

Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2010) Mathematical Properties of Molecular Descriptors Based on Distances. Croatica Chemica Acta, 83 (2). pp. 227-242. ISSN 0011-1643

Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2009) On Reciprocal and Reverse Balaban Indices. Croatica Chemica Acta, 82 (2). pp. 537-541. ISSN 0011-1643

Trinajstić, Nenad; Kaštelan-Macan, Marija; Paušek-Baždar, Snježana; Vančik, Hrvoj (2009) History of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Croatian Chemistry in the 20th Century. II. From the Collapse of Independent State of Croatia on May 8th, 1945 to the Establishment of the Republic of Croatia on June 25th, 1991.. Kemija u industriji, 58 (7-8). pp. 315-336. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad (2009) Najcitiraniji radovi hrvatskih teorijskih kemičara. Kemija u industriji, 58 (7-8). p. 343. ISSN 0022-9830

Hanžek, B.; Soljačić, I.; Trinajstić, Nenad (2009) Croatian Chemists. II. Karlo Weber. Kemija u industriji, 58 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad; Paušek-Baždar, Snježana; Raos, Nenad; Škare, Danko (2008) Povijest kemije i kemijskog inženjerstva Hrvatska kemija u XX. stoljeću. IV. Hrvatski kemijski časopisi. Kemija u industriji, 57 (10). pp. 465-479. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad (2008) Osvrti: Hirschov indeks h nekih sadašnjih i bivših članova Grupe za teorijsku kemiju Instituta "Rugjera Boškovića". Kemija u industriji, 57 (9). pp. 447-448. ISSN 0022-9830

Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2008) Bounds on the Balaban index. Croatica Chemica Acta, 81 (2). pp. 319-323. ISSN 0011-1643

Wei, Fuyi; Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2008) Minimal spectrum-sums of bipartite graphs with exactly two vertex-disjoint cycles. Croatica Chemica Acta, 81 (2). pp. 363-367. ISSN 0011-1643

Janezić, Dušanka; Miličević, Ante; Nikolić, Sonja; Trinajstić, Nenad; Vukičević, Damir (2007) Zagreb indices: Extension to weighted graphs representing molecules containing heteroatoms. Croatica Chemica Acta, 80 (3-4). pp. 541-545. ISSN 0011-1643

Trinajstić, Nenad; Paušek-Baždar, Snježana (2007) Croatian Chemistry in the 20th Century.I. From the Turn of the Century to May 8, 1945. Kemija u industriji, 56 (7-8). pp. 403-416. ISSN 0022-9830

Janezić, Dušanka; Lučić, Bono; Miličević, Ante; Nikolić, Sonja; Trinajstić, Nenad; Vukičević, Damir (2007) Hosoya matrices as the numerical realization of graphical matrices and derived structural descriptors. Croatica Chemica Acta, 80 (2). pp. 271-276. ISSN 0011-1643

Vukičević, Damir; Zhou, Bo; Trinajstić, Nenad (2007) Altered Wiener indices of thorn trees. Croatica Chemica Acta, 80 (2). pp. 283-285. ISSN 0011-1643

Trinajstić, Nenad (2007) Kako vrednovati znanstvenike?. Kemija u industriji, 56 (2). pp. 61-63. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad (2007) Manje znani hrvatski kemičari. I. Božidar Rogina. Kemija U Industriji, 56 (6). pp. 345-351. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad (2007) Pogled na hrvatsku kemiju kroz Skupove hrvatskih kemičara i kemijskih inženjera (1969.–2007.). Kemija i industriji, 56 (10). pp. 501-509. ISSN 0022-9830

Vukičević, Damir; Lukovitis, Istvan; Trinajstić, Nenad (2006) Counting Kekule structures of benzenoid parallelograms containing one additional benzene ring. Croatica Chemica Acta, 79 (3). pp. 509-512. ISSN 0011-1643

Nikolić, Sonja; Miličević, Ante; Trinajstić, Nenad (2006) QSPR study of polarographic half-wave reduction potentials of benzenoid hydrocarbons. Croatica Chemica Acta, 79 (1). pp. 155-159. ISSN 0011-1643

Paušek-Baždar, Snježana; Trinajstić, Nenad (2006) Croatian Chemistry in the 19th century. Kemija u industriji, 55 (7/8). pp. 333-339. ISSN 0022-9830

Trinajstić, Nenad (2006) O nekim zanimljivim rezultatima postignutim u Hrvatskoj u području kemijske teorije grafova. Kemija u industriji, 55 (5). pp. 223-227. ISSN 0022-9830

Hollas, B.; Gutman, I.; Trinajstić, Nenad (2005) On reducing correlations between topological indices. Croatica Chemica Acta, 78 (4). pp. 489-492. ISSN 0011-1643

Vukičević, Damir; Trinajstić, Nenad (2005) Comparison of the Hosoya Z-indices for simple and general graphs of the same size. Croatica Chemica Acta, 78 (2). pp. 235-239. ISSN 0011-1643

Nikolić, Sonja; Miličević, Ante; Trinajstić, Nenad (2005) Graphical matrices in chemistry. Croatica Chemica Acta, 78 (2). pp. 241-250. ISSN 0011-1643

Pogliani, Lionello; Randić, Milan; Trinajstić, Nenad (2004) What can be said about the number 13 beyond the fact that it is a prime number?. Croatica Chemica Acta, 77 (3). pp. 447-456. ISSN 0011-1643

Nikolić, Sonja; Miličević, Ante; Trinajstić, Nenad; Jurić, Albin (2004) On Use of the Variable Zagreb vM2 Index in QSPR: Boiling Points of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons. Molecules, 9 (12). pp. 1208-1221. ISSN 1420-3049

Nikolić, Sonja; Kovačević, Goran; Miličević, Ante; Trinajstić, Nenad (2003) The Zagreb indices 30 years after. Croatica Chemica Acta, 76 (2). pp. 113-124. ISSN 0011-1643

Vukičević, Damir; Trinajstić, Nenad (2003) Modified Zagreb M-2 index - Comparison with the Randic connectivity index for benzenoid systems. Croatica Chemica Acta, 76 (2). pp. 183-187. ISSN 0011-1643

Amić, Dragan; Davidović-Amić, Dušanka; Bešlo, Drago; Trinajstić, Nenad (2003) Structure-radical scavenging activity relationships of flavonoids. Croatica Chemica Acta, 76 (1). pp. 55-61. ISSN 0011-1643

Lučić, Bono; Miličević, Ante; Nikolić, Sonja; Trinajstić, Nenad (2002) Harary index - Twelve years later. Croatica Chemica Acta, 75 (4). pp. 847-868. ISSN 0011-1643

Nikolić, Sonja; Trinajstić, Nenad (2002) Milan Randic - Life and work. Croatica Chemica Acta, 75 (2). pp. 319-327. ISSN 0011-1643

Trinajstić, Nenad; Gutman, Ivan (2002) Mathematical chemistry. Croatica Chemica Acta, 75 (2). pp. 329-356. ISSN 0011-1643

Amić, Dragan; Lučić, Bono; Nikolić, Sonja; Trinajstić, Nenad (2001) Predicting inhibition of microsomal p-hydroxylation of aniline by aliphatic alcohols: A QSAR approach based on the weighted path numbers. Croatica Chemica Acta, 74 (2). pp. 237-250. ISSN 0011-1643

Nikolić, Sonja; Tolić, Iva Marija; Trinajstić, Nenad; Baučić, Ivo (2000) On the Zagreb indices as complexity indices. Croatica Chemica Acta, 73 (4). pp. 909-921. ISSN 0011-1643

Lukovitis, Istvan; Nikolić, Sonja; Trinajstić, Nenad (2000) Note on the resistance distances in the dodecahedron. Croatica Chemica Acta, 73 (4). pp. 957-967. ISSN 0011-1643

Amić, Dragan; Davidović-Amić, Dušanka; Bešlo, Drago; Trinajstić, Nenad (2000) Vitisin-type pigments: Possible novel food colors. Croatica Chemica Acta, 73 (2). pp. 511-516. ISSN 0011-1643

Nikolić, Sonja; Trinajstić, Nenad; Ivaniš, Sanja (1999) The connectivity indices of regular graphs. Croatica Chemica Acta, 72 (4). pp. 875-883. ISSN 0011-1643

Diudea, Mirchea V.; Kantona, G.; Lukovitis, Istvan; Trinajstić, Nenad (1998) Detour and Cluj-detour indices. Croatica Chemica Acta, 71 (3). pp. 459-471. ISSN 0011-1643

Dewar, M. J. S.; Trinajstić, Nenad (1970) A SCF MO Treatment of Some Tropone Derivatives. Croatica Chemica Acta, 42 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0011-1643

Dewar, M. J. S.; Trinajstić, Nenad (1970) Resonance energies of some compounds containing nitrogen or oxygen. Theoretica chimica acta, 17 (3). pp. 235-238. ISSN 0040-5744

Trinajstić, Nenad; Dewar, M. J. S. (1969) Ground states of conjugated molecules - XIV: redox potentials of quinones. Tetrahedron, 25 (18). pp. 4529-4534. ISSN 0040-4020

Dewar, M. J. S.; Harget, A. J.; Trinajstić, Nenad (1969) Ground states of conjugated molecules. XV. bond localization and resonance energies in compounds containing Nitrogen or Oxygen. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 91 (23). pp. 6321-6325. ISSN 0002-7863

Trinajstić, Nenad (1967) CALCULATION OF CARBON-SULPHUR BOND LENGTHS. Tetrahedron Letters, 9 (12). pp. 1529-1532. ISSN 0040-4039

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