Körner, Juergen G.; Melić, Blaženka
Exclusive and inclusive semileptonic Lambda(b)-decays.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 93
pp. 13-17.
ISSN 0920-5632
In this talk we present theoretical evidence Chat the exclusive/inclusive ratio of semileptonic Lambda (b)-decays exceeds that of semileptonic B-decays, where the experimental exclusive/inclusive ratio amounts to about 66%. We start from the observation that the spectator quark model provides a lower bound on the leading order Isgur-Wise function of the Lambda (b) -> Lambda (c) transition in terms of the corresponding B -> D, D-* mesonic Isgur-Wise function. Using experimental data for the B -> D, D-* masonic Isgur-Wise functions this bound is established. Applying a QCD sum rule estimate of the Lambda (b) -> Lambda (c) transition form factor which satisfy the spectator quark model bound we predict the exclusive/inclusive ratio of semileptonic Lambda (b) decay rates to lie in a range between 0.81 and 0.89. We also provide an upper bound on the baryonic Isgur-Wise function which is determined from the requirement that the exclusive rate should not exceed the inclusive rate. Our pre-Osaka results are discussed in the light of new recent preliminary experimental results on the pertinent mesonic and baryonic form factors presented at the Osaka ICHEP 2000 Conference.
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