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Iron(III) complexes with naturally occurring organic ligands in seawater

Vukosav, Petra; Mlakar, Marina Iron(III) complexes with naturally occurring organic ligands in seawater. In: Znanstveni susreti 3. vrste (7 July 2011 - 8 July 2011) Zagreb, Hrvatska. (Unpublished)

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Iron is a very important micronutient of the primary production process in seawater, especially in „HNLC“ (High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll) areas in the oceans, where the primary production is insufficiently expressed (despite sufficient macronutrient concentrations) because of the bioavailable iron deficiency. Namely, in seawater conditions iron is mostly present in oxidation state 3+ which forms different insoluble oxyhidroxides at the seawater pH that mainly aren’t available to the photosynthetic organisms (phytoplankton, cyanobacteria). According to the „iron hypothesis“, the stimulation of primary production process, as a result of natural or artificial iron enrichment, then could contribute to the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 by increasing the efficiency of the biological pump. In other words, photosynthesis process includes production of organic matter (and oxygen) from dissolved CO2 (which aqueous concentration depends on atmospheric one) and water. Produced organic matter sinks to the oceans bottom which, therefore, serves as reservoir of atmospheric carbon. The „iron hypothesis“ was confirmed in numerous mezoscale artificial enrichment experiments, although their effect wasn’t longlasting since they used acidified aqueous solution of iron(II). Therefore, important question is in which form iron should be added in seawater in order to keep it dissolved for a sufficient period of time to be available to photosynthetic organisms. Citric, malic and succinic acid are naturally occurring ligands which form stable complexes with iron(III) that are bioavailable to organisms. Enrichment of the seawater with aqueous solution of these complexes could increase primary production process that would result in decreasing CO2 level in the atmosphere.

Item Type: Unpublished conference/workshop items or lecture materials
Uncontrolled Keywords: iron; seawater; phytoplankton; cyanobacteria; iron hypothesis
Subjects: NATURAL SCIENCES > Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences > Marine Science
NATURAL SCIENCES > Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences > Environmental Science
Divisions: Division for Marine and Enviromental Research
Depositing User: Petra Vukosav
Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2012 12:52

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