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Fusion of the 6Li+120Sn and 7Li+119Sn and the role of neutron transfer and breakup processes

Fisichella, M.; Shotter, A. C.; Di Pietro, A.; Figuera, P.; Lattuada, M.; Musumarra, A.; Pellegriti, M. G.; Ruiz, C.; Scuderi, V.; Strano, E.; Torresi, D.; Zadro, Mile (2014) Fusion of the 6Li+120Sn and 7Li+119Sn and the role of neutron transfer and breakup processes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 515 . 012006/1-012006/8. ISSN 1742-6588

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Excitation functions have been measured for the fusion of the weakly bound nuclei 6Li and 7Li respectively with 120Sn and 119Sn at energies around the Coulomb barrier by using an activation technique. With such a study we aim to investigate the role played by direct processes as neutron transfer and breakup on fusion. At energies above the barrier, the complete fusion cross section are lower than those predicted by fusion models. This suppression is independent of beam energy and is in agreement with the values reported in literature for heavier systems. At energies below the barrier, no significant enhancement due to the positive Q-value for one and two neutron transfer for the 7Li+119Sn system is observed as compared with the 6Li+120Sn.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: fusion excitation function; neutron transfer; breakup
Subjects: NATURAL SCIENCES > Physics
Divisions: Division of Experimental Physics
Project titleProject leaderProject codeProject type
Eksperimentalno istraživanje atomske jezgre: struktura i reakcijeSuzana Szilner098-1191005-2890MZOS
Depositing User: Mile Zadro
Date Deposited: 21 Jul 2016 09:31
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/515/1/012006

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