Tkalčec, Zdenko; Mešić, Armin
Known distribution of Galerina tibiicystis (Fungi, Basidiomycota) in Croatia.
In: Redžić, Sulejman; Đug, Samir, (eds.) Third International Balkan Botanical Congress "Plant resources in the creation of new values". Sarajevo, Faculty of Science of the University of Sarajevo, p. 81
Galerina tibiicystis (G.F. Atk.) Kühner is typical fungal species for Sphagnum communities in bogs. In Croatia bogs are very rare, small sized, and critically threatened habitats. Until the year 2000 just one find of this species had been recorded in Croatia. During intensive mycological field research of four bogs in the year 2000, two new localities of this species had been discovered. In this research G. tibiicystis was the most common species with 69 records. Three localities of G. tibiicystis have been recorded in Croatia up to now. In this paper annotated list of records is being given, along with the basic geographical and ecological data. Known distribution of G. tibiicystis in Croatia is shown on the map with the UTM grid.
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