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Optimization of 90Sr screening method in waters via Cherenkov radiation

Stojković, Ivana; Todorović, Nataša; Nikolov, Jovana; Krajcar Bronić, Ines; Borković, Damir; Barešić, Jadranka; Sironić, Andreja (2015) Optimization of 90Sr screening method in waters via Cherenkov radiation. In: Petrinec, Branko; Bituh, Tomislav; Milić, Mirta; Kopjar, Nevenka, (eds.) Zbornik radova Desetog simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja. Zagreb, Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu od zračenja, pp. 372-377 .

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Rapid screening of strontium activity in waters via Cherenkov radiation detection by ultra-low-level liquid scintillation counter Quantulus 1220 was established in two laboratories, Laboratory for low radioactivity of the Department of Physics, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (UNS) and Laboratory for measurements of low-level radioactivities at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia (RBI). Optimization of the method comprises choice of an appropriate vial type, selection of optimal spectral window, determination of the counting efficiency in various vials, evaluation of the influence of vial on efficiency and background. The efficiency of the measurement of A(90Sr) in plastic vials is 45.6 % and 37.3 % at UNS and RBI, respectively, while in glass vials it is lower (~32 %). Background count rate is lower in plastic than in glass vials, resulting in better counting properties of the plastic vials. The achieved minimum detectable activity for a total counting time of 300 min was 0.32 Bq∙L-1 in plastic vials at UNS and 0.34 Bq L-1 at RBI. Validation of the method was performed by determination of strontium level in spiked samples within interlaboratory comparison measurements. The A(90Sr) values determined in both laboratories did not deviate significantly from the spiked activities, giving the z-scores in the interval [-2, 2]. Only one sample at RBI had the z-score higher than 2 but lower than 3. All results from UNS had positive z-score values, including the sample measured within the IAEA proficiency test. The 90Sr/90Y Cherenkov radiation measurements of water samples can be successfully used for rapid screening of samples without any pretreatment of the samples.

Item Type: Conference or workshop item published in conference proceedings (UNSPECIFIED)
Uncontrolled Keywords: 90Sr; water; screening; LSC; Cherenkov
Subjects: NATURAL SCIENCES > Chemistry
NATURAL SCIENCES > Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences > Radiation Science
Divisions: Division of Experimental Physics
Depositing User: Ines Krajcar Bronić
Date Deposited: 21 Apr 2015 10:22

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