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Mitotic spindle: lessons from theoretical modeling

Tolić, Iva Marija; Pavin, Nenad (2021) Mitotic spindle: lessons from theoretical modeling. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 32 (3). pp. 218-222. ISSN 1059-1524

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Cell biology is immensely complex. To understand how cells work, we try to find patterns and suggest hypotheses to identify underlying mechanisms. However, it is not always easy to create a coherent picture from a huge amount of experimental data on biological systems, where the main players have multiple interactions or act in redundant pathways. In such situations, when a hypothesis does not lead to a conclusion in a direct way, theoretical modeling is a powerful tool because it allows us to formulate hypotheses in a quantitative manner and understand their consequences. A successful model should not only reproduce the basic features of the system but also provide exciting predictions, motivating new experiments. Much is learned when a model based on generally accepted knowledge cannot explain experiments of interest, as this indicates that the original hypothesis needs to be revised. In this Perspective, we discuss these points using our experiences in combining experiments with theory in the field of mitotic spindle mechanics.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: mitotic spindle ; microtubules ; kinetochores ; kinetochore fibers ; bridging fibers ; kinesins ; forces ; laser ablation ; microneedle ; theory ; modeling
Subjects: NATURAL SCIENCES > Physics > Biophysics and Medical Physics
NATURAL SCIENCES > Biology > Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Divisions: Division of Molecular Biology
Project titleProject leaderProject codeProject type
Molecular origins of aneuploidies in healthy and diseased human tissues-ANEUPLOIDYIva Tolić; Nenad Pavin855158EK
Mehanizmi nastajanja snopova mikrotubula potrebni za sazrijevanje diobenog vretena-SpindleFormIva TolićPZS-2019-02-7653HRZZ
Ravnoteža sila i momenta sila u diobenom vretenu-SpindleForceBalanceNenad PavinIP-2019-04-5967HRZZ
Provedba vrhunskih istraživanja u sklopu Znanstvenog centra izvrsnosti za kvantne i kompleksne sustave te reprezentacije Liejevih algebri-QuantiXLieHrvoje Buljan; Pavle PandžićKK.
A new class of microtubules in the spindle exerting forces on kinetochores-NewSpindleForceIva Tolić647077EK
Depositing User: Maša Sabo
Date Deposited: 21 May 2021 10:29
DOI: 10.1091/mbc.e20-05-0335

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