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Integrin Crosstalk Contributes to the Complexity of Signalling and Unpredictable Cancer Cell Fates

Samaržija, Ivana; Dekanić, Ana; Humphries, Jonathan D; Paradžik, Mladen; Stojanović, Nikolina; Humphries, Martin J; Ambriović Ristov, Andreja (2020) Integrin Crosstalk Contributes to the Complexity of Signalling and Unpredictable Cancer Cell Fates. Cancers (Basel), 12 (7). ISSN 2072-6694

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Integrins are heterodimeric cell surface receptors composed of α and β subunits that control adhesion, proliferation and gene expression. The integrin heterodimer binding to ligand reorganises the cytoskeletal networks and triggers multiple signalling pathways that can cause changes in cell cycle, proliferation, differentiation, survival and motility. In addition, integrins have been identified as targets for many different diseases, including cancer. Integrin crosstalk is a mechanism by which a change in the expression of a certain integrin subunit or the activation of an integrin heterodimer may interfere with the expression and/or activation of other integrin subunit(s) in the very same cell. Here, we review the evidence for integrin crosstalk in a range of cellular systems, with a particular emphasis on cancer. We describe the molecular mechanisms of integrin crosstalk, the effects of cell fate determination, and the contribution of crosstalk to therapeutic outcomes. Our intention is to raise awareness of integrin crosstalk events such that the contribution of the phenomenon can be taken into account when researching the biological or pathophysiological roles of integrins.

Vrsta građe: Rad objavljen u časopisu
Ključne riječi: integrin ; integrin adhesion complexes ; integrin crosstalk ; integrin switching ; cancer
Područja: PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI > Biologija
Zavodi: Zavod za molekularnu biologiju
Zavod za molekularnu medicinu
Pohranio: Ivana Samaržija
Datum pohrane: 28 Jul 2020 10:24
URI: http://fulir.irb.hr/id/eprint/5882
DOI: 10.3390/cancers12071910

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