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Harnessing positive species interactions as a tool against climate-driven loss of coastal biodiversity

Bulleri, Fabio; Eriksson, Britas Klemens; Queiros, Ana; Airoldi, Laura; Arenas, Francisco; Arvanitidis, Christos; Bouma, Tjeerd J.; Crowe, Tasman P.; Davoult, Dominique; Guizien, Kate; Ivesa, Ljiljana; Jenkins, Stuart R.; Michalet, Richard; Olabarria, Celia; Procaccini, Gabriele; Serrao, Ester A.; Wahl, Martin; Benedetti-Cecchi, Lisandro; (2018) Harnessing positive species interactions as a tool against climate-driven loss of coastal biodiversity. PLoS Biology, 16 (9). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1544-9173

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Habitat-forming species sustain biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in harsh environments through the amelioration of physical stress. Nonetheless, their role in shaping patterns of species distribution under future climate scenarios is generally overlooked. Focusing on coastal systems, we assess how habitat-forming species can influence the ability of stress-sensitive species to exhibit plastic responses, adapt to novel environmental conditions, or track suitable climates. Here, we argue that habitat-former populations could be managed as a nature-based solution against climate-driven loss of biodiversity. Drawing from different ecological and biological disciplines, we identify a series of actions to sustain the resilience of marine habitat-forming species to climate change, as well as their effectiveness and reliability in rescuing stress-sensitive species from increasingly adverse environmental conditions.

Vrsta građe: Rad objavljen u časopisu
Dodatne informacije: EuroMarine - European Marine Research Network http://euromarinenetwork.eu/. Funds were granted to FB for the organization of the Foresight Workshop POSTCLIMA. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Ključne riječi: Habitat-forming species; physical stress; climate-driven loss
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI > Biologija > Ekologija
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI > Interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI > Interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti > Znanost o moru
Zavodi: Centar za istraživanje mora
Naziv projektaVoditelj projektaŠifra projektaVrsta projekta
EuroMarine - European Marine Research NetworkNEODREĐENONEODREĐENONEODREĐENO
Pohranio: Ljiljana Iveša
Datum pohrane: 27 Nov 2019 13:40
URI: http://fulir.irb.hr/id/eprint/5151
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2006852

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