Kosanović, Cleo; Stubičar, Mirko; Mužic, Ana; Tomašić, Nenad
Cu-Al-O Powders Prepared from Zeolite Precursors by Combination Treatment of Ball Milling and Heating.
Croatica Chemica Acta, 81
pp. 431-435.
ISSN 0011-1643
By applying combination of mechanochemical and thermal treatment important materials that could be used in sensor and semiconductor technology as well in catalysis are obtained. High energy ball milling was applied to prepare powder samples by treating mixture consisted a) of Cu and ammonium exchanged zeolite A and b) of CuO and ammonium exchanged zeolite A. According to X-ray powder diffraction the mechanical treatment resulted in mixture of amorphous phase and low size crystal particles. After 3 It of milling the samples were isothermally treated at the appropriate temperature yielding crystalline mixtures with a dominant phase of CuAlO(2). Thermal treatment of Cu-exchanged zeolite A resulted in a crystalline sample with dominant phase CuAl(2)O(4).
Item Type: |
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
zeolite A; CuO; Cu; isothermally heating; ball milling; cualo2; films; oxide |
Subjects: |
Divisions: |
Division of Materials Chemistry |
Projects: |
Project title | Project leader | Project code | Project type |
Utjecaj duplex postupka na strukturu čelika i inženjerstvo površina | [60515] Dragomir Krumes | 152-1201833-1471 | MZOS | Materijali sa elektronskom strukturom modeliranom modernim tehnikama priprave | [176485] Miroslav Očko | 035-0352827-2841 | MZOS | Studij utjecaja svojstava alumosilikatnih prekursora na njihove transformacije | [117985] Josip Bronić | 098-0982904-2953 | MZOS |
Depositing User: |
Virna Brumnić
Date Deposited: |
23 Oct 2013 08:23 |
URI: |
http://fulir.irb.hr/id/eprint/827 |
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