Kalinowski, Jan; Kotlarski, Wojciech; Robens, Tania; Sokolowska, Dorota; Zarnecki, Aleksander Filip
Exploring Inert Scalars at CLIC.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019
ISSN 1126-6708
We investigate the prospect of discovering the Inert Doublet Model scalars at
CLIC. As signal processes, we consider the pair-production of inert scalars,
namely e+e- -> H+H- and e+e- -> AH, followed by decays of charged scalars H+
and neutral scalars A into leptonic final states and missing transverse energy.
We focus on signal signatures with two muons or an electron and a muon pair in the final state. A number of selected benchmark scenarios that cover the range of possible collider signatures of the IDM are considered. For the suppression of SM background with the same visible signature, multivariate analysis methods are employed. For several benchmark points discovery is already possible at low-energy stage of CLIC. Prospects of investigating scenarios that are only accessible at higher collider energies are also discussed.
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