(MAGIC Collaboration)
Acciari, V A; Ansoldi, S; Antonelli, L A; Arbet Engels, A; Arcaro, C; Baack, D; Babić, Ana; Banerjee, B; Bangale, P; de Almeida, U Barres; Barrio, J A; Becerra González, J; Bednarek, W; Bernardini, E; Berti, A; Besenrieder, J; Bhattacharyya, W; Bigongiari, C; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bonnoli, G; Carosi, R; Ceribella, G; Chatterjee, A; Colak, S M; Colin, P; Colombo, E; Contreras, J L; Cortina, J; Covino, S; Cumani, P; D’Elia, V; Da Vela, P; Dazzi, F; De Angelis, A; De Lotto, B; Delfino, M; Delgado, J; Di Pierro, F; Domínguez, A; Dominis Prester, Dijana; Dorner, D; Doro, M; Einecke, S; Elsaesser, D; Fallah Ramazani, V; Fattorini, A; Fernández-Barral, A; Ferrara, G; Fidalgo, D; Foffano, L; Fonseca, M V; Font, L; Fruck, C; Galindo, D; Gallozzi, S; García López, R J; Garczarczyk, M; Gaug, M; Giammaria, P; Godinović, Nikola; Guberman, D; Hadasch, D; Hahn, A; Hassan, T; Herrera, J; Hoang, J; Hrupec, Dario; Inoue, S; Ishio, K; Iwamura, Y; Kubo, H; Kushida, J; Kuveždić, Danijela; Lamastra, A; Lelas, Damir; Leone, F; Lindfors, E; Lombardi, S; Longo, F; López, M; López-Oramas, A; Maggio, C; Majumdar, P; Makariev, M; Maneva, G; Manganaro, Marina; Mannheim, K; Maraschi, L; Mariotti, M; Martínez, M; Masuda, S; Mazin, D; Minev, M; Miranda, J M; Mirzoyan, R; Molina, E; Moralejo, A; Moreno, V; Moretti, E; Neustroev, V; Niedzwiecki, A; Nievas Rosillo, M; Nigro, C; Nilsson, K; Ninci, D; Nishijima, K; Noda, K; Nogués, L; Paiano, S; Palacio, J; Paneque, D; Paoletti, R; Paredes, J M; Pedaletti, G; Peñil, P; Peresano, M; Persic, M; Prada Moroni, P G; Prandini, E; Puljak, Ivica; Garcia, J R; Rhode, W; Ribó, M; Rico, J; Righi, C; Rugliancich, A; Saha, L; Saito, T; Satalecka, K; Schweizer, T; Sitarek, J; Šnidarić, Iva; Sobczynska, D; Somero, A; Stamerra, A; Strzys, M; Surić, Tihomir; Tavecchio, F; Temnikov, P; Terzić, Tomislav; Teshima, M; Torres-Albà, N; Tsujimoto, S; Vanzo, G; Vazquez Acosta, M; Vovk, I; Ward, J E; Will, M; Zarić, Darko; de Oña Wilhelmi, E; Torres, D F; Zanin, R
Discovery of TeV γ-ray emission from the neighbourhood of the supernova remnant G24.7+0.6 by MAGIC.
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483
pp. 4578-4585.
ISSN 0035-8711
SNR G24.7+0.6 is a 9.5 kyrs radio and gamma-ray supernova remnant evolving in a dense medium. In the GeV regime, SNR G24.7+0.6 (3FHL J1834.1– 0706e/FGES J1834.1–0706) shows a hard spectral index (Γ∼2) up to 200 GeV, which makes it a good candidate to be observed with Cherenkov telescopes such as MAGIC. We observed the field of view of SNR G24.7+0.6 with the MAGIC telescopes for a total of 31 hours. We detect very high energy γ-ray emission from an extended source located 0.34 degree away from the center of the radio SNR. The new source, named MAGIC J1835–069 is detected up to 5 TeV, and its spectrum is well-represented by a power-law function with spectral index of 2.74 ± 0.08. The complexity of the region makes the identification of the origin of the very-high energy emission difficult, however the spectral agreement with the LAT source and overlapping position at less than 1.5 sigma point to a common origin. We analysed 8 years of Fermi-LAT data to extend the spectrum of the source down to 60 MeV. Fermi-LAT and MAGIC spectra overlap within errors and the global broad band spectrum is described by a power-law with exponential cutoff at 1.9 ± 0.5 TeV. The detected γ-ray emission can be interpreted as the results of proton-proton interaction between the supernova and the CO-rich surrounding.
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