Vogt, A.: Siciliano; Birkenbach, B.; Reiter, P.; Hadynska-Klek, K.; Wheldon, C.; Valiente-Dobon, J. J.; Teruya, E.; Yoshinaga, N.; Arnswald, K.; Bazzacco, D.; Blazhev, A.; Bracco, A.; Bruyneel, B.; Chakrawarthy, R. S.; Chapman, R.; Cline, D.; Corradi, L.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Cromaz, M.; de Angelis, G.; Eberth, J.; Fallon, P.; Farnea, E.; Fioretto, E.; Fransen, C.; Freeman, S. J.; Fu, B.; Gadea, A.; Gelletly, W.; Giaz, A.; Gorgen, A.; Gottardo, A.; Hayes, A. B.; Hess, H.; Hetzenegger, R.; Hirsch, R.; Hua, H.; John, P. R.; Jolie, J.; Jungclaus, A.; Karayonchev, V.; Kaya, L.; Korten, W.; Lee, I. Y.; Leoni, S.; Liang, X.; Lunardi, S.; Macchiavelli, A. O.; Menegazzo, R.; Mengoni, D.; Michelagnoli, C.; Mijatovic, Tea; Montagnoli, G.; Montanari, D.; Muller-Gatermann, C.; Napoli, D.; Pearson, C. J.; Podolyak, Zs.; Pollarolo, G.; Pullia, A.; Queiser, M.; Recchia, F.; Regan, P. H.; Regis, J.-M.; Saed-Samii, N.; Sahin, E.; Scarlassara, F.; Seidlitz, M.; Siebeck, B.; Sletten, G.; Smith, J. F.; Soderstrom, P.-A.; Stefanini, A. M.; Stezowski, O.; Szilner, Suzana; Szpak, B.; Teng, R.; Ur, C.; Warner, D. D.; Wolf, K.; Wu, C. Y.; Zell, K. O.
High-spin structures in Xe-132 and Xe-133 and evidence for isomers along the N=79 isotones.
Physical Review C, 96
ISSN 2469-9993
The transitional nuclei Xe-132 and Xe-133 are investigated after multinucleon-transfer (MNT) and fusionevaporation reactions. Both nuclei are populated (i) in Xe-136 + 2(08P)b MNT reactions employing the highresolution Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) coupled to the magnetic spectrometer PRISMA, (ii) in the Xe-136 + Pt-198 MNT reaction employing the GAMMASPHERE spectrometer in combination with the gas-detector array CHICO, and (iii) as an evaporation residue after a Te-130(alpha, xn) Xe134-xn fusion-evaporation reaction employing the HORUS gamma-ray array at the University of Cologne. The high-spin level schemes are considerably extended above the J(pi) = (7(-)) and (10+) isomers in Xe-132 and above the 11/2(-) isomer in Xe-133. The results are compared to the high-spin systematics of the Z = 54 as well as the N = 78 and N = 79 chains. Furthermore, evidence is found for a long-lived (T-1/2 >> mu s) isomer in Xe-133 which closes a gap along the N = isotones. Shell-model calculations employing the SN100PN and PQM130 effective interactions reproduce the experimental findings and provide guidance to the interpretation of the observed high-spin features.
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