(CMS Collaboration)
Khachatryan, Vardan; Morović, Srećko; Ferenček, Dinko; Đurić, Senka; Godinović, Nikola; Lelas, Damir; Polić, Dunja; Puljak, Ivica; Antunović, Željko; Kovač, Marko; Brigljević, Vuko; Kadija, Krešo; Luetić, Jelena; Mekterović, Darko; Sudić, Lucija; Woods, Nate
Search for resonances and quantum black holes using dijet mass spectra in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV.
Physical Review D, 91
ISSN 1550-7998
A search for resonances and quantum black holes is performed using the dijet mass spectra measured in proton- proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC. The data set corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 inverse femtobarns. In a search for narrow resonances that couple to quark-quark, quark-gluon, or gluon-gluon pairs, model-independent upper limits, at 95% confidence level, are obtained on the production cross section of resonances, with masses above 1.2 TeV. When interpreted in the context of TeV ; excited quarks below 3.5 TeV ; scalar diquarks below 4.7 TeV ; W' bosons below 1.9 TeV or between 2.0 and 2.2 TeV ; Z' bosons below 1.7 TeV ; and Randall-Sundrum gravitons below 1.6 TeV. A separate search is conducted for narrow resonances that decay to final states including b quarks. The first exclusion limit is set for excited b quarks, with a lower mass limit between 1.2 and 1.6 TeV depending on their decay properties. Searches are also carried out for wide resonances, assuming for the first time width-to-mass ratios up to 30%, and for quantum black holes with a range of model parameters. The wide resonance search excludes axigluons and colorons with mass below 3.6 TeV, and color-octet scalars with mass below 2.5 TeV. Lower bounds between 5.0 and 6.3 TeV are set on the masses of quantum black holes.
Item Type: |
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
High energy physics ; Experimental particle physics ; LHC ; CMS ; Standard Model |
Subjects: |
Divisions: |
Division of Experimental Physics |
Projects: |
Project title | Project leader | Project code | Project type |
Mjerenje svojstava Higgsovog bozona i potraga za novom fizikom detektorom CMS-HIGGSPRO | Ivica Puljak | IP-2013-11-7118 | HRZZ | Potraga za novim standardnim modelom elementarnih čestica na LHC-u: od preciznih mjerenja elektroslabih procesa do direktnih potraga za novom fizikom- | Vuko Brigljević | IS-09.01/346 | HRZZ |
Depositing User: |
Jelena Luetić
Date Deposited: |
28 Sep 2017 13:06 |
URI: |
http://fulir.irb.hr/id/eprint/3623 |
DOI: |
10.1103/PhysRevD.91.052009 |
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