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Pairing correlation study in the 40Ar + 208Pb multinucleon transfer reaction

Mijatović, Tea; Szilner, Suzana; Corradi, L.; Montanari, D.; Courtin, S.; Fioretto, E.; Gadea, A.; Goasduff, A.; Haas, F.; Jelavić Malenica, Deša; Montagnoli, G.; Pollarolo, G.; Prepolec, Lovro; Scarlassara, F.; Soić, Neven; Stefanini, A. M.; Tokić, Vedrana; Ur, C. A.; Valiente-Dobon, J. J. (2015) Pairing correlation study in the 40Ar + 208Pb multinucleon transfer reaction. Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement, 46 (3). pp. 439-442. ISSN 1899-2358

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The 40Ar + 208Pb multinucleon transfer reaction has been studied at Elab = 255 MeV with the large solid angle magnetic spectrometer PRISMA. Mass and charge yields, differential and total cross sections, total kinetic energy loss distributions of different channels were simultaneously measured. Angular distributions were measured in a wide angular range by matching different spectrometer angular settings. Absolute cross sections were obtained by careful evaluation of the spectrometer response function. These cross sections for different transfer channels allow the discussion of the role played by nucleon–nucleon correlations.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: multinucleon transfer reactions; magnetic spectrometers; nucleon correlations
Subjects: NATURAL SCIENCES > Physics
Divisions: Division of Experimental Physics
Project titleProject leaderProject codeProject type
Nuklearna struktura i reakcije: eksperimentima prema neutronskoj liniji kapanja-SR-ETNoSuzana SzilnerIP-11-2013-7194HRZZ
Eksperimentalno istraživanje atomske jezgre: struktura i reakcijeSuzana Szilner098-1191005-2890MZOS
Depositing User: Tea Mijatović
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2016 10:00
DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.46.439

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