(NA49 Collaboration)
Alt, C.; Anticic, T.; Baatar, B.; Barna, D.; Bartke, J.; Betev, L.; Bialkowska, H.; Blume, C.; Boimska, B.; Botje, M.; Bracinik, J.; Bramm, R.; Buncic, P.; Cerny, V.; Christakoglou, P.; Chung, P.; Chvala, O.; Cramer, J. G.; Csato, P.; Dinkelaker, P.; Eckardt, V.; Flierl, D.; Fodor, Z.; Foka, P.; Gal, J.; Georgopoulos, G.; Gladysz, E.; Grebieszkow, K.; Hegyi, S.; Hoehne, C.; Kadija, K.; Karev, A.; Kikola, D.; Kliemant, M.; Kniege, S.; Kolesnikov, V. I.; Kornas, E.; Korus, R.; Kowalski, M.; Kreps, M.; Laszlo, A.; Lacey, R.; van Leeuwen, M.; Levai, P.; Litov, L.; Lungwitz, B.; Makariev, M.; Mateev, M.; Melkumov, G. L.; Mischke, A.; Mitrovski, M.; Molnar, J.; Mrowczynski, St.; Nicolic, V.; Palla, G.; Panagiotou, A. D.; Panayotov, D.; Petridis, A.; Peryt, W.; Pikna, M.; Pluta, J.; Prindle, D.; Puehlhofer, F.; Renfordt, R.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rybczynski, M.; Rybicki, A.; Sandoval, A.; Schmitz, N.; Schuster, T.; Seyboth, P.; Sitar, B.; Slodkowski, M.; Stefanek, G.; Stock, R.; Strabel, C.; Stroeble, H.; Susa, T.; Szentpetery, I.; Sziklai, J.; Szuba, M.; Szymanski, P.; Varga, D.; Vassiliou, M.; Vesztergombi, G.; Vranic, D.; Wetzler, A.; Wojtaszek, A.; Zimanyi, J.;
High transverse momentum hadron spectra at sqrt(sNN)=17.3 GeV in Pb+Pb and p+p collisions.
Physical Review C, 77
ISSN 0556-2813
Transverse momentum spectra up to 4.5 GeV/c around midrapidity of pi+-, p, anti-p, and K+- in Pb+Pb reactions were measured at sqrt(sNN)=17.3 GeV by the CERN-NA49 experiment. The nuclear modification factors RAA for pi+- and RCP for pi+-, p, anti-p, K+- were extracted and compared with results obtained at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV. The modification factor RAA shows a rapid increase with transverse momentum in the covered region. This indicates that the Cronin effect is the dominating effect in our energy range. The modification factor RCP, in which the contribution of the Cronin effect is reduced, shows a saturation well below unity in the pi+- channel. The extracted RCP values follow the 200 GeV RHIC results closely in the available transverse momentum range, except for pi+- above 2.5 GeV/c transverse momentum. There the measured suppression is smaller than that observed at RHIC.
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