(NA49 Collaboration)
Anticic, T.; Baatar, B.; Bartke, J.; Betev, L.; Bialkowska, H.; Blume, C.; Boimska, B.; Bracinik, J.; Cerny, V.; Chvala, O.; Dolejsi, J.; Eckardt, V.; Fischer, H. G.; Fodor, Z.; Foka, P.; Friese, V.; Gazdzicki, M.; Hoehne, C.; Kadija, K.; Karev, A.; Kolesnikov, V.; Kowalski, M.; Kreps, M.; Makariev, M.; Malakhov, A.; Mateev, M.; Melkumov, G.; Mitrovski, M.; Mrowczynski, S.; Renfordt, R.; Rybczynski, M.; Rybicki, A.; Sandoval, A.; Schmitz, N.; Seyboth, P.; Stefanek, G.; Stock, R.; Stroebele, H.; Susa, T.; Szymanski, P.; Trubnikov, V.; Varga, D.; Vesztergombi, G.; Vranic, D.; Wenig, S.; Wlodarczyk, Z.; Wojtaszek, A.; 0 ]
Inclusive production of protons, anti-protons and neutrons in p+p collisions at 158 GeV/c beam momentum.
European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 65
pp. 9-63.
ISSN 1434-6044
New data on the production of protons, anti-protons and neutrons in p+p interactions are presented. The data come from a sample of 4.8 million inelastic events obtained with the NA49 detector at the CERN SPS at 158 GeV/c beam momentum. The charged baryons are identified by energy loss measurement in a large TPC tracking system. Neutrons are detected in a forward hadronic calorimeter. Inclusive invariant cross sections are obtained in intervals from 0 to 1.9 GeV/c (0 to 1.5 GeV/c) in transverse momentum and from −0.05 to 0.95 (−0.05 to 0.4) in Feynman x for protons (anti-protons), respectively. pT integrated neutron cross sections are given in the interval from 0.1 to 0.9 in Feynman x. The data are compared to a wide sample of existing results in the SPS and ISR energy ranges as well as to proton and neutron measurements from HERA and RHIC.
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