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Fimicolous organisms of Mt. Biokovo

Ozimec, Roman; Baričević, Lana; Matočec, Neven; Kušan, Ivana; Mešić, Armin; Tkalčec, Zdenko (2011) Fimicolous organisms of Mt. Biokovo. In: Protrka, Ksenija; Škrabić, Hrvoje; Srzić, Stipe, (eds.) Knjiga sažetaka. Makarska, Javna ustanova "Park prirode Biokovo", pp. 30-32 .

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Obligate fimicolous (coprophilous) organisms use excrements of ruminants (Ruminantia) and odd-toed ungulates (Perissodactyla) for development of larvae, as a food and/or residency. Facultative fimicolous organisms are not necessarily bound to this substrate, but they often use it as a food source or live on it as predators on obligate fimicolous organisms. They are important element of biodiversity and have important ecological role in their habitats. They are feeding on the substrate which they decompose and thus make a contribution in soil mineralization as well as in the removal of potential source of infection. Since they are using very ephemeral substrate, occurrence of some fimicolous organisms is short-lived and occasional. However, their disappearance indicate disturbance of the ecosystem, i. e. it indicates cessation of extensive use of pastures for cattle breeding which, as a rule, results in degradation of grassland sites, their succession, followed by the reduction in number of grassland species, and in the end in disappearance of plants, fungi and animals specific to grasslands. Therefore, fimicolous organisms are very suitable as ecological indicators. These organisms are very poorly researched in Croatia. Mt. Biokovo area is selected for research on fimicolous organisms since it is a hotspot for plant and invertebrate biodiversity. Furthermore, it is a protected area (nature park), where it is necessary to make an inventory of biodiversity and to propose measures for its protection. During several field researches in 2009 and 2010 obligate and facultative fimicolous organisms are collected, basic data about their records are noted (exact locality, dung type, microclimatic measurements of substrate), comprehensive photo documentation is made, and samples of substrata for subsequent fungal fruitbody development in laboratory conditions are collected (Ozimec et al. 2010). In this research 70 species of fimicolous organisms have been recorded, with some species new to fauna of Mt. Biokovo and Croatia, but also with four species potentially new to science. 34 species of fimicolous fungi have been detected. 25 of them belong to the phylum Ascomycota from ten families: Ascobolaceae (7), Ascodesmidaceae (1), Chaetomiaceae (1), Eoterfeziaceae (1), Nectriaceae (1), Pezizaceae (2), Pyronemataceae (4), Sordariaceae (1), Sporormiaceae (2), and Thelebolaceae (5). Two species from this phylum are potentially new to science, which will be the subject of further research. Eight species from the phylum Basidiomycota are recorded, belonging to the following families: Psathyrellaceae (3), Sphaerobolaceae (1) i Strophariaceae (4). As well, in this phylum there are two species found that are potentially new to science. Phylum Zygomycota is represented with one family Pilobolaceae (1). 25 species of obligate fimicolous coleopterans (Coleoptera) are recorded from five families: Aphodiidae (8), Geotrupidae (2), Hydrophilidae (2), Nitidulidae (1) i Scarabaeidae (12), with highest number of species from genera Aphodius i Onthophagus. Additionally, 11 facultative fimicolous predacious coleopterans specialized to coprophagous species from families Histeridae (4) and Staphylinidae (7) are found. Coprophagous species from families Hydrophilidae and Nitidulidae (Ozimec et al. 2011) are collected as new to Mt. Biokovo and/or to Croatia. Furthermore, numerous individuals of various insects are found to be parasitized by specialized mites (Acari) from families Macrochaelidae and Parasitidae. Rich fauna of dung flies (Scatophagidae) is also detected but it is not researched in detail since the lack of taxonomists for this group in Croatia. Three strictly protected fungal species listed in the Red List of Croatian Fungi and treated in the Red Book of Croatian Fungi (Tkalčec et al. 2008) are found: Poronia punctata, Stropharia dorsipora and S. semiglobata. This research proves irre placeability of traditional cattle breeding in conservation of fimicolous organisms and large part of Mt. Biokovo’s biodiversity as well.

Item Type: Conference or workshop item published in conference proceedings (UNSPECIFIED)
Uncontrolled Keywords: biodiversity; cattle breeding; Coleoptera; coleopterans; Croatia; fungi
NATURAL SCIENCES > Biology > Zoology
BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES > Agronomy > Ecology and Environmental Protection
BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES > Agronomy > Animal Husbandry
Divisions: Division for Marine and Enviromental Research
Project titleProject leaderProject codeProject type
Ekološko modeliranje za održivo upravljanje resursima[25590] Tarzan Legović098-0982934-2719MZOS
Depositing User: Ivana Kušan
Date Deposited: 29 Sep 2015 13:18

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