Janicki, Vesna; Sancho-Parramon, Jordi; Zorc, Hrvoje; Salamon, Krešimir; Buljan, Maja; Radić, Nikola; Desnica, Uroš
Ellipsometric study of thermally induced redistribution and crystallization of Ge in Ge:SiO(2) mixture layers.
Thin Solid Films, 519
pp. 5419-5423.
ISSN 0040-6090
Mixture layers of Ge:SiO2 of 40:60 mol% respectively, have been prepared by co-sputtering. The thermally induced change of optical properties of the layers was studied by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry. The mixture was modelled as an unknown material with optical constants described by multiple oscillators. The optical parameters determined from ellipsometric measurements can be well correlated with structural changes in the mixture. The results indicate that Ge in the mixture deposited or annealed up to 600 °C is in an amorphous state and it redistributes with increase of temperature, changing refractive index through the layer. The crystallization starts between 600 and 650 °C, at first next to the substrate. Crystallites size grows with temperature. Results were compared with findings of grazing incidence wide angle X-ray scattering measurements and a good agreement was found. Ellipsometry has been shown to be an appropriate non-invasive technique for characterization of this kind of layers.
Item Type: |
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
optical characterization; quantum confinement; material mixtures; spectroscopic ellipsometry; optical constants; crystallization of Ge |
Subjects: |
Divisions: |
Division of Laser and Atomic Research and Development Division of Materials Physics |
Projects: |
Project title | Project leader | Project code | Project type |
Novi amorfni i nanostrukturirani tankoslojni materijali | [75345] Nikola Radić | 098-0982886-2895 | MZOS | Temeljna svojstva nanostruktura i defekata u poluvodičima i dielektricima | [67912] Branko Pivac | 098-0982886-2866 | MZOS | Veza strukturnih i fizikalnih svojstava materijala kontrolirane dimenzionalnosti | [77950] Ognjen Milat | 035-0352843-2844 | MZOS | Optička svojstva nanostrukturnih slojeva | [119546] Hrvoje Zorc | 098-0000000-3191 | MZOS |
Depositing User: |
Vesna Janicki
Date Deposited: |
03 Nov 2014 12:22 |
URI: |
http://fulir.irb.hr/id/eprint/1579 |
DOI: |
10.1016/j.tsf.2011.02.071 |
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